Shreveport, Louisiana Photographer | Download Your Photographs

I decided to write this blog to show how important downloading your photographs are. I think I can speak for all photographers when writing this blog. We all know how important digitals are in this generation, I can’t lie. However, the reality is they are not tangible. In the blink of an eye, they can be gone. As a photographer, we express how important it is we back up each session on several hard drives.

Unfortunately, that does not we will always have the photographs. Anything can go wrong with digitals. The hard drives can mess up, get lost, or not download properly. The possibilities of something happening to your digitals are slim but you can never be too careful. We express to our clients downloading them on a computer is the best possibility at keeping your digitals safe. Download them when you get them just to make sure. Get an external hard drive to back them up too. Just to be 100% safe you will have them at all times. If you always do those, it is very unlikely something will happen to them on both ends. Think about the probability of something happening between the photographer and client having them both stored multiple places. Your phone could mess up or those little USBs you trust so much could mess up. I can’t count on one hand how many clients used to say they lost the USB or it messed up unexpected. I have been a photographer for over 7 years and fortunately, I have only had one hard drive mess up. So that is why I recommend at least two.

Artwork is something so special to my heart because of this reason. It is tangible. You have it in your possession at all times. The chances of you losing your products are slim to none. Want all your digitals? Get an album. Want your favorite one? Get a huge print. That way when you walk into your home, you automatically see your beautiful digitals displayed how you want. Loving artwork does not interfering with the love of digitals. They are still important to so many people but purchasing artwork can guarantee you will have your photographs no matter what happens. It is another step to making sure your digitals are safe.

