Shreveport, Louisiana Baby Photographer | Charlie IS ONE!

I am so thankful I have met this wonderful family! Oh my, look how much Charlie has grown. I seriously fell like it flew by. Every time I saw her, she just got bigger and bigger. It’s wild how she looks almost the exact same but bigger. Every moment spent with them is one to cherish. They have impacted my heart more than they know. They are extremely kind, understanding, and funny. I remember when Kristina first reached out over a year ago. We both just laughed that we had the exact name, spelt the exact way. I swear it was meant to be. When they would come in, it would light up the whole room. I already knew it was going to be a great day. We all looked forward to it every time. Clients really do turn into friends.

I always love Kristina’s and Marissa’s reaction at the orderings. They always awww at the cute ones and laugh at the funny ones. Charlie sure does have the best facial expressions. As she gets older, it just gets better. How precious is she in all these set ups? Of course I had to do one for Easter. It’s right around the corner. I can’t wait to see their beautiful products. Their home is now decorated with beautiful portraits of the family. It will make any house feel like a home. <3

The beautiful vintage gown to the right, her grandmother wore it too. It was very special to Kristina. I love when parents bring sentimental items in. I know how important they are to capture. Her grandmother, her, and now Charlie have a photograph in it. How beautiful is that?

Charlie’s eyebrows never seem to fail me. Ever since she was newborn she had those beautiful arched eyebrows. You couldn't tell if she was being serious or mad. LOL. I can’t wait to continue to capture Charlie and this beautiful family. They have been nothing less than AMAZING.