Shreveport, Louisiana Newborn Photographer | Reese's Newborn Session


I will be the first person to tell you.. We are all winging it okay? We are learning as we go and no-one will be perfect. I mean you haven’t been a parent before. How could you know? People can try to prepare you but you will have a different journey.

Being nervous is definitely normal. Would I know what to do? Would I be able to handle it? Spoiler alert: I’m still figuring it out and my daughter is 10. There’s no manual for this stuff! Some days, I feel like I’m nailing it. Some days, I am not. But I’ve learned to give myself some grace. You have to. Some days you will be exhausted and other days you will finger paint.

One thing I’ve realized is that babies just need us to be there. How can you be there if you are consistently feeling guilty? You deserve time for yourself. You deserve to recharge. Embrace the messiness and go with the flow. When things don’t go as planned (which is often), just try to laugh it off.

Despite the chaos, there are so many moments that make it all worth it. Like the first time your baby smiled or when they fell asleep on your chest, snuggled up like the cutest little burrito. Realizing it’s your family against the world. Nothing beats that. Even the little hand holding. Every little giggle, every new expression is a little reminder of just how precious this time is. I never thought I’d be so fascinated by someone staring into my eyes.

You realize this is love.