Shreveport, Louisiana Newborn Photographer | Millie's Newborn Session


I wanted this blog to discuss PPD. I am not a professional so if you are needing help, please reach out. I would love to give you resources that could help.

What is PPD you ask..

PD is a type of depression that happens after having a baby. It is more than just adjusting to your new mom life. It is feeling a small connection. It’s overwhelmed, irritated, and even exhausted. It can happen up to weeks after having your little one. It isn’t always right away. You might feel like not getting out of bed, wanting to sleep constantly, or even wanting to be left alone. It will range mom to mom. Not every one will experience it the same.

It is a real medication condition and shouldn’t make you feel like a failure. On top of your hormones, it can take a year or even more to feel like yourself again. There is no just getting out of it. You will probably need to seek medical help. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor. Also, don’t let them invalidate your feelings. They are very real.


Feeling detached or not connected. You might not experience joy once your little one has arrived. Instead, you might feel overwhelmed or irritated. It doesn’t mean you don’t love your baby. You might feel like you want to be left alone or no longer enjoy the things you did prior. Not feeling connected to your little one is one of the first signs.

Crying more than usual. You might find yourself crying daily over things you don’t understand. You aren’t not sure why you feel different.

Insomnia. You might find it hard to sleep. Sure, new moms are tired but this is also a mental state of being exhausted. Where you can’t seem to get out of bed or want to do anything. Even if it’s small.

Appetite. Your appetite might change where you don’t want to eat or want to eat more than you usually do.

Guilt. You might feel guilty for not being connected. You also might have this feeling or not being good enough for your little one. I promise that doesn’t mean you don’t love your baby.

Anxiety. You might feel a heavy sense of anxiety or even panic attacks. Panic attacks can look different for every one. Some signs are heavy breathing, overwhelmed, sweaty palms, shaking, and more.

PPD can occur for a number of reasons.

Hormonal changes, lack of sleep, lack of support, history of depression or anxiety, stress, or overwhelmed.

What can you do?

Talking to your doctor is number one. You should reach out if you are feeling different at all. Even if you are not sure. It can never hurt to get their opinion. Have a discussion with your spouse or friends/family. Ask for help Even if it’s to bring food, take the baby, or call the doctor for you. If you don’t have support, please reach out to me through my contact form. You can also find support groups specifically for PPD.

Therapy is another options. You can find one who specializes in postpartum depression. If you need resources, ask me. Don’t be scared of medication either. Some people need it and there’s nothing wrong with that. You are doing the best you can. I am proud of you.

Try to eat when you can. Even if it’s something small. Rest as much as you need. Ask for someone to watch your baby. Stretch. Take a hot bath or shower. Go for a walk and get fresh hair. Do something you love like painting.