Shreveport, Louisiana Maternity Photographer | Callie's Maternity Session


When you think of celebrating motherhood, what do you think of?

For me, I think of the little butterflies, the first kicks, and the anticipation of finally meeting my little one.

You go through nine months of pregnancy waiting. All you can think about is what he or she will look like. Who will he or she resemble more? Hair? Eye color? You have so much excitement you can’t even contain it. You are really going to be a mom! How exciting is that. We all know the waiting game can definitely be hard. Even harder towards the end. You feel like it was longer than it really was. The craziest part is once your little one starts growing, you forget about certain things. Even pain sometimes. You might miss it.

Now you’re snuggling while listening to the little giggles. It’s the most exhausting yet rewarding journey. No one can prepare you enough because every journey looks different.

You soak in those little moments. The maternity photographs you look back on will tell a story. You will start to remember all the emotions you felt that day. How you felt to dress up. You might even miss your belly. It’s wild to think how fast it goes once your little one is here. You waited to finally meet him or her and then kindergarten comes up.. What about senior year? Oh, I don’t even want to think that far ahead. You watch them grow and sometimes think… I wish I could turn back time to snuggle them again. To see their little toes. To hear the baby talk. That’s is why your photographs will be important to look back on.